COVID-19 Update - Masking Mandate Extended Until December 8, 2021 Please read the article to learn more about the PA Supreme Court's ruling to extend the masking mandate until December 8, 2021.
Indoor Soccer Program - Time is Running out to Register! The Indiana Indoor Soccer Boosters will be again holding an indoor program this Winter. Please see the flier for details. The Deadline to register is December 17th!
COVID-19 Update - Ben Franklin Elementary Please read the article to learn more about new positive COVID-19 cases in the District.
COVID-19 Update - Jr. High & Sr. High Positive Cases Read the article to learn more about the positive COVID-19 cases identified in the District.
IRMC Vaccine Clinics in November and December Please read the article to learn more about several vaccine clinics scheduled in November and December.
The Lead-Free Promise Project Children First PA is teaming up with The Lead-Free Promise Project to host a parent information session concerning more about childhood lead poisoning and how to prevent it.
COVID-19 Update - Sr. High & Ben Franklin Cases Please read the article to learn more about several additional positive COVID-19 cases in the District.
COVID-19 Update - Ben Franklin, East Pike, Junior and Senior High Positive Cases Please read the article to learn more about several new COVID-19 positive cases in the District.
COVID-19 Update - Ben Franklin and Horace Mann Please read the article to learn more about several new positive COVID-19 cases in the District.
COVID-19 Update - Jr. High & East Pike Positive Cases Read the article to learn more about three COVID-19 positive cases in the District.